One or more of the CNAMEs you provided are already associated with a different resource


I buyed this domain in aws:

But i get "One or more of the CNAMEs you provided are already associated with a different resource" when trying to put domain on a cloudfront. I checked route53, cloudfront, api gateway, s3, and the domain is not used.

The domain for a few days was redirecting to a /login page that I never did. (not anymore)

aws cloudfront list-conflicting-aliases.. gives me:

  • "DistributionId": "*******RF5L25L",
  • "AccountId": "******002396"

These are not a distribution or account of mine!!

(Subdomains are working well)

How can I contact aws support? is it paid now?

asked a month ago61 views
2 Answers


If the CNAME record is already in use by another AWS account and you do not own the AWS account, you will need to contact AWS Support.
You can contact us for free by opening a case under "Account and billing".
However, there is a possibility that the free support will not be able to help you with this issue, so please try contacting them via "Account and billing" and if they do not seem to be able to help you, please consider using paid support.

If you don't have access to the account that contains the source distribution or you can't deactivate the source distribution, then contact AWS Support.

AWS Support can be accessed from the following URL:

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
  • "Account and billing" couldn't give me a solution


Contacting with "Account and billing" doesn't solve the problem.

That means the need to pay 30$ on AWS Support to solve the AWS bug and be able to use the domain.

AWS is a great deal.

answered a month ago

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