RDS provisioned storage charges


I am currently using the MySQL Community Edition and have provisioned storage for my RDS instances. As of now, I am billed for 422 hours of usage at a rate of $0.068 per hour and 117.222 GB-Months of provisioned storage at a rate of $0.115 per GB-Month.

To manage my costs, I am considering stopping my RDS instances for the remainder of the month. However, I understand that I will continue to be billed for the provisioned storage and any backup storage that exceeds my free quota.

I would like to confirm if my understanding is correct and if there are any additional costs I should be aware of. Additionally, ***could you please provide an estimate of the cost I would incur for the provisioned storage (117.222 GB) for the rest of this month, assuming the instances remain stopped and the storage usage stays constant?

  • lets say if instance is stopped and the volumes are left without deleting will the charges continue to increase based on hours end of the month? or will charges be constant based on the GB end of the month?

asked a year ago225 views
1 Answer

Since AWS has to keep storing your data even when the instance is stopped, you pay for storage regardless and those costs will continue to accrue.

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answered a year ago

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