I can't use the key to connect to the host using OPEN SSH and PuTTY of WINDOWS. Can anyone help me?


I tried to use all methods, including using Windows and Ubuntu, but none of them can successfully connect to the EC2 host through SSH, can you help me? I can't use the key to connect to the host using OPEN SSH and PuTTY of WINDOWS. I have tried many times according to the instructions.

asked 2 years ago477 views
10 Answers

I have tried all the methods, including using LINUX to change the file permissions of the key and connecting from LINUX. Can you guide me?

answered 2 years ago
  • if you tried all methods including EC2 Serial console etc. and with SSH you cannot connect?

    Maybe it is related with your internal firewall if the instance is still responsive

    You can create a support ticket to the AWS Support directly.


Hi, use of the ssh command from your Ubuntu machine will be the easiest. For that, you need to download the .pem file of the EC2 keypair used when your EC2 instance was created.

Then command will be:

ssh -i /path/key-pair-name.pem instance-user-name@instance-public-dns-name

See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/AccessingInstancesLinux.html#AccessingInstancesLinuxSSHClient

I would suggest that you start by connecting to your EC2 instance directly from AWS console by using instance connect. See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide//ec2-instance-connect-methods.html

Good tutorial for Instance Connect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxSNeF7BAII

Hope it helps!


profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

The strange thing is that I have tried them all~ but I can’t log in with SSH, whether it’s OPENSSH or PuTTY, it’s the same in WINDOWS and Ubuntu, even EC2 Instance Connect doesn’t work.

answered 2 years ago

I use EC2 Instance Connect, but Failed to connect to your instance Error establishing SSH connection to your instance. Try again later. I made sure to open port 22

answered 2 years ago


There is a full troubleshoot document provided by amazon. Check your error if it aligned one them


Amazon EC2 instances support the use of EC2 Serial Console, which helps you troubleshoot boot issues, network configuration, and SSH configuration issues. The EC2 Serial Console for Linux provides access to the serial port of your EC2 instances for text-based sessions.

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answered 2 years ago

I have tested everything, including the methods found by Google, and youtube teaching videos, but I still can’t connect

answered 2 years ago

Are you able to confirm if your trying to connect to the Private or Public IP address of the EC2


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answered 2 years ago

Even when I use Connect using EC2 Instance Connect, I get the following message, I make sure SSH port 22 is open. Failed to connect to your instance Error establishing SSH connection to your instance. Try again later.

answered 2 years ago

The subnet where the EC2 is located. What’s the default route?

It will need to be to and IGW

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answered 2 years ago

I am wondering if it is related to the use of a free plan. I followed the instructional video on YOUTUBE step by step, but I still can’t connect through SSH. I have SSH by default, and I have opened all the TCP ports. But PING can't reach the public IP.

answered 2 years ago

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