Campaign shows 0 targeted endpoints even with eligible endpoints



I am trying to test out AWS Pinpoint with Push Notification Channel.

So far, I've configured the Push Notification for FCM and I've tested it using the test message from Pinpoint.
Also, I've registered an endpoint using update-endpoint which is showing up when I create a segment.

Then, I tried to create a campaign to test it with the created segment with 1 eligible endpoint(with the token that I had checked with the test message). When I launch the campaign, it shows the Targeted Endpoints are 0 but the segment associated shows that there is 1 eligible endpoint.

Is there something that I'm missing.
Can someone please help out.

PS: I haven't used Amplify, just using the AWS SDK to call the update-endpoint


asked 3 years ago433 views
1 Answer

I was using PUSH as the ChannelType so it was not working, switched it to GCM and it was working as expected.

answered 3 years ago

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