Shader Compiler unauthorized ip trying to connect add it to whitelist in config.ini


Today wanted to try building for android , but I got stuck with shader compiler giving me this message.

my phone and pc are on the same network but there seems to be some kind of protection that point to a config.ini file I didn't found.

asked 7 years ago195 views
17 Answers
Accepted Answer


The remote shader compiler now requires that any IP addresses to be whitelisted before it will allow the device with that IP address to connect to it. This was done to improve the security of the remote shader compiler.

To resolve this all you need to do is create a config.ini file in the same directory as the remote shader compiler executable you are using and add the following line:

whitelist=[Ip address of device]

where you add the IP address of your device. You can add multiple IP addresses using a comma to separate them or you can use CIDR notation to specify a network mask so you can specify ranges of IP addresses that are allowed to connect to the remote shader compiler.

Hope this helps and if you have any other questions let me know!

Thanks, Chris

answered 7 years ago

You will want to write:


No brackets as that will be an invalid string and the shader compiler will print that out when it starts up.

answered 7 years ago

Hmmm, spaces should not have done anything but I'll check that code and fix that bug. Sorry about that.

As for Android support we need a device that supports OpenGL ES 3.1. We do have OpenGL ES 3.0 support but as we continue to work on it we have noticed that there are many issues with Android devices running ES 3.0 that seem to be driver related.

As for the black screen - what project are you running? It is possible that the game has not loaded a map and so you would only get a black screen until a map is loaded.

Feel free to attach your log file here and I'll take a look at it for you.

Thanks, Chris

answered 7 years ago

I did that as a test when I first had the problem with no luck, maybe I have to give it a second try.

Thanks for your answer.

just to be sure do I have to write

whitelist = or whitelist = [] ?

answered 7 years ago

I had to ask as custom parsing are always possible and makes for this kind of errors.

I'm actually testing it again.I'll write the result here , maybe I forgot to shut down the process the fist time.

answered 7 years ago

It turned out I have some spaces at the end of the string.

Now the app shows the logo but then goes in background.

Maybe my phone is not good enough.I have to review the log.

I have a zopo flash s 920+ with mali 720 mp3

It supports opengles 3.1, but maybe drivers aren't the best.

Do the team plan to implement a lighter renderer for mobile for low/ mid devices?!?

Is there a cheap (under 200$) device where the engine runs reliably?

answered 7 years ago

it's a custom empty project just compiled with a map with a basic terrain and a camera no ocean.

It compiles just 4 shader combination.

map was added to autoexec.cfg in the project and load in the pc launcher.

I just have default logcat and its a huge log I have to save on file and look for the relevant pieces.

for the renderer having it almost the same as pc makes it very heavy on mobile specs, I would love to have also a minimum render working on es 2.0 just a basic one even with no lights or shadows to begin with.

answered 7 years ago

I see it compiling 4 shaders the fist time then load 4 shader from cache.|attachment (3.58 KB)

my log

answered 7 years ago

Still no luck for me with android.

now I just use Camera gem and have in game.xml :

<Class name="DynamicModuleDescriptor" field="element" type="{D2932FA3-9942-4FD2-A703-2E750F57C003}"> <Class name="AZStd::string" field="dynamicLibraryPath" value="Gem.Camera.f910686b6725452fbfc4671f95f733c6.v0.1.0" type="{EF8FF807-DDEE-4EB0-B678-4CA3A2C490A4}"/> </Class>

the same as the one reported by the catlog:

$4[Error] Module Gem.Camera.f910686b6725452fbfc4671f95f733c6.v0.1.0 is missing from the current app descriptor for this project.

the catlog also report wwise not loading the bank file. that should be easy to fix adding one.

I always both deployed from vs 2013 and Deployment Tool with exact same results.

answered 7 years ago

Check that the Editor.xml and Game.xml files in the your project/config directory are writable. If they are not then the tool will fail to update them.

Then open the Game.xml file and search for the gesture gem and verify that the UUID and version match with the error. If they don't then you can manually update the file or run the tool again.

Deploy the assets to the Android device (you can do this through the editor Deploy Tool plugin under "Tools/Other" menu or through the command line using the deploy_android_armv7_[compiler]_[config] command for lmbr_waf.bat).

That should resolve it...

answered 7 years ago

Ok, cool. If you have the map in autoexec.cfg it should load it but it does not sound like that is happening.

You can do: adb logcat -s "LMBR"

and that will filter out a lot of noise and return the Lumberyard Engine output. That would be useful to see. Also, in the remote shader compiler window you do see the game connecting and compiling shaders?

answered 7 years ago

Perfect! There seems to be a problem with the build:

I/LMBR (25473): Module Gem.Gestures.6056556b6088413984309c4a413593ad.v1.0.0 is missing from the current app descriptor for this project. Update app descriptors by running "Bin64vc120\lmbr.exe projects populate-appdescriptors" from the dev/ folder. I/LMBR (25473): $4[Error] Module Gem.Gestures.6056556b6088413984309c4a413593ad.v1.0.0 is missing from the current app descriptor for this project. Update app descriptors by running "Bin64vc120\lmbr.exe projects populate-appdescriptors" from the dev/ folder. I/LMBR (25473): System Shutdown

Basically the game engine has detected that you want to use the Gestures gem but that it is not part of our app descriptor manifest so we don't load the gem. The engine then shuts down because of the error. You can try executing this command:

Bin64vc120\lmbr.exe projects populate-appdescriptors

when you are in the /dev folder and the redeploy the assets to the Android device to see if that helps resolve the error.

Looks like you are building with Visual Studio 2013 as well. You may want to switch to VS 2015 as it will provide the ability to debug the APK from within VS. I run from VS 2015 and debug the APK from there. Works fairly well though once in awhile Visual Studio and the device disagree and so I have to reboot my phone to get things working again. :)

answered 7 years ago

Still have the Gem.Gestures.6056556b6088413984309c4a413593ad.v1.0.0 is missing from the current app descriptor for this project. after following instructions then did a configure and a build Game clear device and install the executable.

Hope I not have to do a full rebuild .. now try to disable the gem as I'm not using it yet.

answered 7 years ago

Yeah, we know we have a long way to go in improving this workflow, and it is driving me nuts as well! We have things planned to improve this experience and make it easier for our customers to build and run on mobile devices, just can't say what or when. :)

answered 7 years ago


Oh, I think I know what is going on. Because of the way the Android game is loaded we have to embed the application descriptor in the source code. Any time you change what gems are in your project you have to run lmbr_waf.bat configure to pick up the changes. Try doing that, then building the game and deploying to the device. That should do the trick!

I have a few high priority items that I must take care of today so my responses may be slow.

Thanks, Chris

answered 7 years ago

I hope you can find a more straightforward workflow as this is driving me crazy.

I'll try to make a game+ gems rebuild as i'm almost sure to have done both configure and incremental build yesterday.I'm working right now I'll do this test as soon as possible.

if it doesn't work I'll try a full engine rebuild :(

Thanks and don't worry for response times I'm not planning anything serious with Android (due to the highter specs requirements) it is just for learning purpose.

answered 7 years ago

config.ini should be like the following:



Ensure that your mobile is connected to the same router as you PC connected

answered 7 years ago

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