AWS DMS from account A RDS source endpoint to account B Redshift target endpoint


I'm trying to setup a DMS target endpoint in account A. This endpoint is pointing to a Redshift cluster in account B.

Is this possible? How?

I already have a peering connection and I can connect to Redshift in account B from account A using pgcli.

When I try to create the endpoint in account A, I get the following error: Cluster 'CLUSTER_NAME' does not exist..

When I try to use aws dms create-endpoint, I get the following error: An error occurred (InvalidResourceStateFault) when calling the CreateEndpoint operation: Cluster 'CLUSTER_NAME' does not exist..

1 Answer

The error message you're seeing suggests that AWS DMS (Database Migration Service) in account A isn't recognizing the Redshift cluster in account B. This is generally due to the fact that DMS, by default, is looking for resources within its own account. In account B (where the Redshift cluster resides), create an IAM role that has the necessary permissions to access the Redshift cluster. Modify the trust relationship of the IAM role in account B to allow the DMS service in account A to assume it. When using the aws dms create-endpoint command, you might need to use the --extra-connection-attributes flag to specify additional connection attributes.

Regards, Andrii

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 9 months ago
  • But how can I, in the account A DMS, tell the service that it should use a different role to describe the cluster?

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