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Greengrass V2: Do sub-deployments inherit component versions/config from parent deployments?



We are looking at using GG subdeployments to help manage different GG deployment configurations across different groups of sensors. My question is: do subdeployments inherit deployment configs from it's parent, and overwrite these if the component is present in the subdeployment?

Alternatively, are different deployments targeting different thing groups a better approach here? If we were to go down this route, is there any way to support "inheritance" of component configs as described above?

asked a year ago315 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Subdeployments are meant to be a way to debug issues on small numbers of devices, not as a way to configure these devices as part of your usual strategy.

I'd recommend you read this article that I wrote for configuring individual devices:



answered a year ago

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