I have been asking for help for months!!!


I created my profile with AWS back in May or June. I became a Hugging Face Pro member and your services were recommended. I signed up and never even used it as at the time it was too complicated for me. I have been going back and forth with your bot emails and customer service people who won't help me because I haven't paid someone for customer service. My bill is upwards of $600 now and I have NOT BEEN USING THE ACCOUNT!!! My startup just got $5000 credit from my business bank as a perk and I am actually ready to do some work now. But you have run a bill up that I did not use for anything and I don't want to be charged crap for it. This is really bad business. I know you could give a **** about that though.

3 Answers

This technology is Complicated.

You can track your AWS Free Tier usage in the following ways:

  • Turn on Free Tier usage alerts in Billing preferences. By default, AWS Free Tier usage alerts automatically notifies you over email when you exceed 85 percent of the Free Tier limit for each service. You can also configure AWS Budgets to track your usage to 100 percent of the Free Tier limit by setting a zero spend budget using the template.
  • view the Free Tier page in the Billing console
  • view the Top AWS Free Tier Services by Usage table on the dashboard of the AWS Billing console. The dashboard shows your account's top five AWS Free Tier service measurements.


my advice: Go Slow to Go Fast

answered 2 years ago

I still after months of this back and forth cannot get this done. I have tried countless times to delete the sagemaker profile. I cannot get it to delete. Maybe some help would be good. Jesus Christ! Like pulling teeth.

answered a year ago


I'm very sorry to hear about your experience. I was able to locate your Support Case & I've brought attention to your case internally to have this addressed. Please keep an eye out for a response from our Support team & continue to communicate via our Support Center: go.aws/support-center.

Best Regards,

- Rick N.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • I have almost the same issue here!!

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