Find RDS snapshots that are shared with other accounts


I tried the following commands.

aws rds describe-db-cluster-snapshots --include-shared --snapshot-type shared Empty.

aws rds describe-db-snapshots --snapshot-type shared --include-shared Empty.

aws rds describe-db-snapshots --snapshot-type shared --include-shared --db-instance-identifier mydb Empty.

This command only says "manual" as snapshot type! aws rds describe-db-snapshots --db-snapshot-identifier mydbsnapshot

I only see in the console with account Delete option, when I try to share again.

asked 25 days ago47 views
2 Answers

Verifying Shared Snapshots

  1. Describe Shared Snapshots: The describe-db-snapshots command is used to list snapshots, including shared ones. However, the --include-shared flag is not valid for this command.
  2. Correct Command: To list RDS snapshots shared with other accounts, you should use:
aws rds describe-db-snapshots --query 'DBSnapshots[?ShareStatus==`shared`]' --output table

This command filters snapshots that are shared based on the ShareStatus field

  1. Manual Snapshots: Make sure you specify the correct snapshot type if you are looking for manual snapshots:
aws rds describe-db-snapshots --snapshot-type manual --query 'DBSnapshots[?ShareStatus==`shared`]' --output table

Checking Snapshot Sharing Status

To verify if a specific snapshot is shared with other accounts:

  1. Describe Snapshot:
aws rds describe-db-snapshots --db-snapshot-identifier your-snapshot-id --query 'DBSnapshots[*].{ID:DBSnapshotIdentifier,Shared:ShareStatus}' --output table

  1. List Shared Snapshots for a Specific DB Instance:
aws rds describe-db-snapshots --db-instance-identifier your-db-instance-id --query 'DBSnapshots[?ShareStatus==`shared`]' --output table

AWS Management Console

In the AWS Management Console, navigate to the RDS section:

  1. Go to Snapshots.
  2. Choose Manual snapshots (as shared snapshots are generally manual).
  3. You should see a list with a "Shared" column indicating whether a snapshot is shared.

Key Observations:

If snapshots are not showing up as shared despite having shared them, ensure the following:

  • Permissions: Make sure you have the necessary permissions to view shared snapshots.
  • Region: Confirm you are querying the correct region where the snapshots are located.
  • Snapshot Status: Ensure that the snapshots have indeed been shared and the sharing process was completed successfully.
answered 25 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 25 days ago
  • The explanation re. shared snapshots is crystal-clear in this answer

  • I verified everything. I have full access to AWS console (Admin).

  • I added RDSFullAccess. It still shows None.


Hi check these Troubleshoot steps

  • Verify Snapshot Type: Ensure that the snapshot you're trying to share is indeed a shared snapshot. You can check this in the AWS Management Console under the "Snapshot Type" column.
  • Check Snapshot Availability: Make sure the snapshot is available for sharing. If it's in a "pending" or "deleting" state, you won't be able to share it.
  • Review IAM Permissions: Verify that your IAM user or role has the necessary permissions to create and manage shared snapshots. You might need to grant permissions to the rds:CreateDBSnapshot and rds:ModifyDBSnapshot actions.
  • Check for Errors in the Command: Double-check the syntax and parameters of your AWS CLI commands to ensure there are no errors.
  • Review AWS Documentation: Consult the official AWS documentation for more information on shared snapshots and troubleshooting

profile picture
answered 25 days ago
  • I created a snapshot manually, created a copy using the new CMK and shared it. The other account confirmed it.

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