EC2 - unable to SSH


Hi all,

I just created a new t2.medium EC2 instance using the Amazon Linux 2023 AMI and setup a new SSH key pair.

I tried connecting to the public ip using but it rejects my key. It does seem to work when connecting via the web interface so not sure what I'm doing wrong.

I'm using putty to connect and have provided the .ppk file in the Connection-> SSH -> Auth options

Appreciate any help.


asked 9 months ago260 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

That put me in the right direction but didn't initially work.

However I updated putty from 0.72 -> 0.79 and now it works with the Amazon provided key.

Looks like the type of key provided by amazon was newer than my version of putty recognized, I guess

answered 9 months ago

I had the same issue with putty and it was down to the Key Version from AWS being incompatable with putty.

I had to import the key into PuttyGen and re-save the Key as it converts it from AWS's version to Putty version

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answered 9 months ago

Have you checked the security group settings for your EC2 instance? Sometimes, the inbound rules might not allow SSH traffic. Also, ensure that the 'destiny 2 boosting' key pair you're using is the correct one associated with the instance.

answered 9 months ago

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