Greengrass edge device with mqtt pub/sub connections keep dropping when running separate pub and sub py files.


I am using this repo and specifically this file:

Everything works fine, but when i separate the pub and sub into separate py files and run them individually from 2 different terminal sessions, the connections keep dropping on both of them, and it happens constantly. If I switch back to a single file (the example), it works just fine.

I am using this client component in my deployment: aws.greengrass.clientdevices.mqtt.Moquette

Anyone know why? Thanks.

asked 3 months ago118 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi. Are you using the same client ID in each? You can't make multiple connections with the same client ID. If you do, you'll keep suffering DUPLICATE_CLIENTID disconnections:

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
  • I am using the same client ID. When I used separate it didn't work. I'll try again, if it fails I'll post the error and code. Thank you !

  • the deploy i tried using thingname_publisher and thingname_subscriber and it always gets this error any time the client id is not just thingname, so obviously I can use this on both my and any time i do this i get:

    trying core arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:account_id:thing/GreengrassCoreDevice1 at host local_ip port 8883 [ERROR] [2024-07-17T17:34:40Z] [0000772ef28fd640] [mqtt-client] - id=0x615c6c9abba0: invalid connect return code 4, disconnecting Connection failed with exception AWS_ERROR_MQTT_PROTOCOL_ERROR: Protocol error occurred. Trying core arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:account_id:thing/GreengrassQuickStartCore-190714f0a37 at host port 8883 [ERROR] [2024-07-17T17:34:40Z] [0000772ef4d501c0] [mqtt-client] - id=0x615c6c9abba0: Connection is not open, and may not be closed [ERROR] [2024-07-17T17:34:41Z] [0000772ef28fd640] [mqtt-client] - id=0x615c6ca652c0: invalid connect return code 4, disconnecting Connection failed with exception AWS_ERROR_MQTT_PROTOCOL_ERROR: Protocol error occurred. Trying core arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:account_id:thing/GreengrassQuickStartCore-190bdcfbf05 at host local_ip port 8883 [ERROR] [2024-07-17T17:34:41Z] [0000772ef4d501c0] [mqtt-client] - id=0x615c6ca652c0: Connection is not open, and may not be closed [ERROR] [2024-07-17T17:34:42Z] [0000772ef20fc640] [mqtt-client] - id=0x615c6ca4e980: invalid connect return code 4, disconnecting Connection failed with exception AWS_ERROR_MQTT_PROTOCOL_ERROR: Protocol error occurred.

  • The client names you use have to match the things you associated with the device:

  • It seems I have been going about this all wrong. I setup GG on a docker container, and then outside of the docker had a python script to subscribe and publish. I seems I need more than one thing (for the gg), if I use the same py file for pub sub then one more will do, otherwise separate files means 2 extra things. I think this is correct, will update later. I was also using the crt and pem file from the main thing that gets created when gg install, in my pub/sub so that's probably a probably also, they need their own thing/keys. Thanks.

  • one of many of things I was doing wrong.

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