Connectivity to our AWS RDS SQL Server instance has failed today - urgent!


Our website starting seeing many timeout's today, which finally culminated in total failure connecting to our AWS RDS instance (MS SQL Server).

The hosting company said they could see "packet loss" on our IP address.

asked a year ago339 views
1 Answer

Amazon RDS DB connections can drop for various reasons, assuming this wasn't a maintenance window can be for the following events: a) Client timeout parameters configured at the application end b) Unplanned DB restart/failover c) Server timeout parameters configured in the custom parameter group attached to Amazon RDS. A transient network issue affects the underlying host of your DB Instance. The internal monitoring system detects this issue and proactively initiates recovery for a Single-AZ deployment and failover for Multi-AZ deployments.

To chase for the root cause you need to check the following loss and metrics: 1) Amazon RDS events (, 2) CloudWatch metrics (, Enhanced monitoring (, 4) Performance insights ( or 5) RDS Database logs (

answered a year ago

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