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Can A drive be mounted on a Workspace


Can I mount a drive on a workspace? I want a set of software to install whenever a workspace is created. I want a drive to contain all those software to mount it to install and then unmount when installation is done, Is this Possible?

asked 2 years ago869 views
2 Answers

To achieve what you would like to do, you'd create a custom WorkSpace image and bundle from a customized Windows/Linux WorkSpace.

  • A custom image contains the OS, software and settings for your WorkSpace.
  • A custom bundle is a combination of a custom image and the hardware from which a workspace can be launched.

When launching a new WorkSpaces you can then choose your own custom bundle to have a consistent configuration of hardware and software.

To get started, follow the "Create a custom WorkSpaces image and Bundle" of the Administration Guide of Amazon WorkSpaces.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks, it's all good but I went through AWS Documentation and found that encryption is not supported yet so I won't be able to move forward with this. Thanks for the help, If you have any other solution, Please post.


Since you specified "Windows Provisioning", I highly recommend a Windows File Server and a Group Policy Preference to specify the share. On the Windows File Share side, you can do this with EC2 or if you're looking a file share as a service, try Amazon FSx for Windows File Server. Group Policy Preferences simplify what would otherwise need to be accomplished through a logon script. In this specific case, you would create the Group Policy Object in the OU where the WorkSpaces are being provisioned to, make sure Loopback Processing is enabled, and edit. The path is User Configuration --> Preferences --> Windows Settings --> Drive Maps.

answered 2 years ago

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