If i raise a case with AWS to cancel my RDS RI Will they do for sure, bcoz i enabled multi AZ but in my account no rds was enabled to multi az and i dont want to opt multi AZ thats not at all required


Hi All,

Unfortunately i created an reserved instance in RDS it doesn't gave me the pop as well while creating i thought i can cancel but there's no option to cancel now i gave config evrthing as my RDS except the multi AZ i enabled in the RI but my insatnces doesn't require muti AZ even i dont have a devloper plan to raise a case with AWS. If they cancal the RI then i will opt for the devloper support to raise this case Could someone help me on this are they going to cancel? This is not at all required for me please suggest me on your earliest.

Can some one help this was bit priority to me

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hello Ramakanth,

Unfortunately AWS will not cancel the RIs. The RI purchase is non-cancellable. You might want to raise a billing support case if you are able and ask them for help. Generally if you want to cancel an RI purchase you need to replace it with an RI of equal or greater value.

It is not what you wanted to hear, but that's the situation.

As I said earlier, you can try opening a support case, but I won't hold my breath on a successful resolution. You might get lucky, who knows.

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answered 21 days ago
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reviewed 20 days ago
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reviewed 20 days ago

Thank you so much for your prompt response. I don't understand why these kind of options were in place, still they were not yet awaiting without any usage i dont want pay bill like this, are going to change multi az to single zone atleast?? Any idea

answered 21 days ago

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