Data blank on ECS Cluster Console "Metrics" pane



I'm hoping to create some Cloudwatch Metrics alarms for my ECS Fargate Cluster. While I can see metric data when navigating to "Container Insights" within CloudWatch, I am not understanding why the "Metrics" pane in the ECS Cluster Console has no data, even though tasks have been running throughout the week. When changing date/time range views, the view still remains blank.

Any answers? Thanks!

Cluster: Fargate

ECS Container Insights: Enabled

Picture of Metrics Pane in ECS Console

1 Answer

Since you have already enabled ECS Container Insights, you should have all the cloudwatch metrics listed here in ECS/ContainerInsights namespace.

Are you able to see the data in ECS/ContainerInsights namespace but not on ECS Cluster console? If yes, then refer Enable CloudWatch logs for your Fargate tasks section on this re:Post Knowledge Center Article, this might help.

If you don't see the logs even on cloudwatch console too, then can you check against these three pointers:

  1. Can you make sure that Amazon CloudWatch endpoint is reachable by containers. It could be via NAT gateway or VPC endpoint.
  2. Does Fargate cluster has required permissions to write to CloudWatch
  3. Lastly check if you can find any errors in the logs for the agent on the container for publishing of telemetry

Additionally, take a look at this as well if required.

Hope you find this useful.


profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago

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