Copy & paste from CodeCommit


Hello, I'm trying to use CodeCommit but several difficulties are creeping up. The most pressing is that when I copy and paste (from the CodeCommit console), it adds 3 blank lines in between lines. Any ideas why this is happening or how to fix it? Thanks,

asked 2 years ago407 views
1 Answer

It's possible that the issue you're experiencing is related to the way the text is being copied and pasted. When you copy and paste text from the CodeCommit console, it's possible that extra formatting is being included that is causing the additional blank lines to appear.

Here are a few things you can try to resolve the issue:

  1. Use a different text editor to copy and paste the text. Sometimes, different text editors will include different types of formatting when copying and pasting text, so using a different editor can help remove any unwanted formatting.
  2. Remove any formatting from the text before pasting it into CodeCommit. You can do this by copying the text into a plain text editor (such as Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on Mac), which will remove any formatting. Then, you can copy the plain text and paste it into CodeCommit.
  3. Use the AWS CLI to upload the file to CodeCommit. Instead of copying and pasting the text into the console, you can use the aws codecommit command-line interface to upload the file directly to CodeCommit. This can help avoid any formatting issues that may be introduced when copying and pasting text.
answered 2 years ago
  • I'm copying directly from the CodeCommit console to Notepad (it also happens when I copy from CodeCommit to another CodeCommit file or to EditPad Lite). The question is why CodeCommit is inserting the new format, which is what doesn't make sense to me.

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