Not able to see the cloud watch metrics created through AWS Firewall manager in the Cloud watch console.


Hi Team, I have created a Firewall manager for WAF policy and associated both managed rules and custom rule. After creation in I am seeing the policy being created in the respective associated accounts but when I am navigating to the cloud watch to see the metrics I am not able to see the all the metrics being generated.. As a example I have associated an rate limiting waf policy to the firewall manager which I am able to see in the WAF console but the metrics which is being created is not available in cloud watch console.. Just wanted to know if I need to enable any other configuration to get those ..

1 Answer


From what I'm seeing, if I got it correctly and this is actually your situation, you might need an alternative solution.

As described in : "CloudWatch metrics and alarms are not enabled for Firewall Manager.... AWS Firewall Manager doesn't record metrics, so you can't create Amazon CloudWatch alarms specifically for Firewall Manager."

However, there are alternatives that can be implemented "... you can configure Amazon SNS notifications to alert you to potential attacks. To create Amazon SNS notifications in Firewall Manager, see Step 4: Configure Amazon SNS notifications and Amazon CloudWatch alarms".

I hope this helps and good luck!!!

answered 2 years ago

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