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Install AWS VPN Client on MacOs version 14



Is there a way to setup AWS VPN Client for MacOs 14?

As stated by the documentation, it seems to only support macOS Big Sur (11.0), Monterey (12.0), or Ventura (13.0).. Is there an alternative way to install it on the latest MacOs version? Following the setup steps I'm getting this error while trying to connect: Opening utun (connect(AF_SYS_CONTROL)): Resource busy (errno=16).

If no alternative setup is possible, do you know when we'll get a compatible version for MacOs 14?

Thanks in advance for your help

asked 8 months ago611 views
2 Answers

AWS Client VPN installs and works perfectly with Mutual SSL Authentication on MacOS 14.4.1:

% sw_vers
ProductName:		macOS
ProductVersion:		14.4.1
BuildVersion:		23E224

And using the following AWS Client VPN for MacOS:

AWS VPN Client V3.91

Possibly the documentation is out of date with the supported operating systems?

You can of course always use the official OpenVPN Client as well - by downloading it here:

answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 8 months ago
  • We have the same specs and it doesn't work. At least we know it works for someone, that's great. Thanks for your specs.



As of now, it is not possible to install the AWS VPN Client for macOS 14, as stated in the docs:

To use the AWS-provided client for macOS, the following is required:

  • macOS Big Sur (11.0), Monterey (12.0), or Ventura (13.0).
  • x86_64 processor compatible.
  • The client reserves TCP port 8096 on your computer.
  • For Client VPN endpoints that use SAML-based federated authentication (single sign-on), the > client reserves TCP port 35001.

However, we can use another VPN Client, such as OpenVPN, for which AWS also has a setup guide:

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answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 8 months ago

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