Not able to change my screen name in CodeCatalyst


On my name field at CodeCatalyst my temporary password got exposed and I am not able to edit it or change it But the name field looks perfect in all other AWS services. Maybe it's a bug in CodeCatalyst

1 Answer

Hi Arun,

Is the issue that you cannot change your CodeCatalyst alias? This is not currently possible. The simplest option is to create a new account. There is certain metadata you can change in your AWS Builder ID profile, which may meet your needs.

answered 3 months ago
  • Hi Jay, I think Arun has the same issue as I do and the issue is not related to the alias but the display name synced over from Builder ID. Here what happened on my end:

    1. set Builder ID Name to something,
    2. then after register into CodeCatalyst
    3. noticed wrong display name, so changed the name in Builder ID
    4. CodeCatalyst display name (not alias) stays the same

    In any other services the name is in sync with the Builder ID. I assume this is not an expected behaviour and shouldn't force the user to delete his account just to change a display name. Or is this intended behaviour?

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