VPC Attachments/Subnets via TGW


In my scenario, the customer's VPS (Virtual Private Server) consists of 6 subnets, divided into 3 private and 3 public subnets across different Availability Zones (AZs) like 1a, 1b, and 1c. When creating Transit Gateway (TGW) VPC attachments, there is a limitation where you can only select 3 subnets at a time.

Will this achieve the desired connectivity for all 6 subnets? or I would need to create separate TGW VPC attachments for the remaining subnets that were not included in the first attachment.

Please advise! Thank you

  • Should I assign a specific route table for the subnet for transit gateway attachment? or the route table is irrelevant for the transit gateway attachment.

asked 2 years ago1.1K views
4 Answers
Accepted Answer

Yes, you can only select one subnet per AZ, but all subnets in that Availability Zone can send traffic to the transit gateway

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 8 months ago
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reviewed 2 years ago
  • Thanks Matt! Please correct me if I understand this right. Since I have 6 subnets, I should create two separate attachments for both Private and Public to send traffic to the transit gateway?

  • No, you only need one attachment and in that attachment you're selecting one subnet per AZ (either private or public), the connectivity to that single subnet will establish a connectivity to both the private and the public subnet in the same AZ.

    For instance, if you had all 6 subnets in the same AZ (say 1a), then you will only be able to select one subnet out of the 6, and you will be establishing a connectivity to all 6 subnets.

  • In the given instance, there are 3 private subnets located in different Availability Zones (AZs) - specifically AZ 1a, AZ 1b, and AZ 1c. Additionally, there are 3 public subnets also spread across different AZs - AZ 1a, AZ 1b, and AZ 1c.

    The question is whether connectivity can be established by creating only one attachment.

  • Yes, all you going to need is one attachment. The three subnets you're choosing in the three different AZs is what's going to establish the connectivity.


Best practice is to create a dedicated subnet in each AZ with a /28 cidr range.

Attach TGW in each of the subnet. You then configure the routes in your subnets/VPC to route traffic for other CIDRs to the TGW connection.

As the TGW is attached to 3 private subnets the traffic arriving via TGW will then route accordingly via the subnets route table.

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answered 2 years ago

See below from the TGW best practices guidance. It is recommended to create /28 dedicated subnets (1 per AZ) for TGW attachment. In your case if you are using 3 AZ VPC then you would create 3 x /28 subnets for TGW attachments, this will then allow connectivity to all the rest of the subnets within that VPC.

  • Use a separate subnet for each transit gateway VPC attachment. For each subnet, use a small CIDR, for example /28, so that you have more addresses for EC2 resources. When you use a separate subnet, you can configure the following:

    • Keep the inbound and outbound network ACLs associated with the transit gateway subnets open.
    • Depending on your traffic flow, you can apply network ACLs to your workload subnets.
profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

Should I assign a specific route table for the subnet for transit gateway attachment? or the route table is irrelevant for the transit gateway attachment?

answered a year ago

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