ECS Cluster with Fargate does not create


Hello, While I understand using Fargate for ECS Cluster is pay as you go- I am still unable to create the cluster. The first attempt gave me this error:-

There was an error creating cluster humangov-cluster. Resource handler returned message: "Error occurred during operation 'CreateCluster SDK error: Service Unavailable. Please try again later. (Service: AmazonECS; Status Code: 500; Error Code: ServerException; Request ID: f55de395-bfd9-4d13-bcf4-c845cde944c1; Proxy: null)'." (RequestToken: 72b1833b-35f2-0838-333b-73743b6f24c2, HandlerErrorCode: GeneralServiceException

On retrying it says cluster already exists(see error below) but I do not see it listed: There was an error creating humangov-cluster, Stack[Infra-ECS-Cluster-humangov-cluster-812ee83b] already exists.

Please advise.

Someone in the past said try different times, but it doesnt work. It looks like its created something with that name.

<<This looks likely to be related to the service linked role AWSServiceRoleForECS. If not already created, the creation during CreateCluster uses a best effort approach. In the result, service linked role AWSServiceRoleForECS doesn't appear though ECS cluster is created. For example, creating Service Linked role would fail due to throttling error for iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole. I'd recommend you to create the Service Linked role AWSServiceRoleForECS manually using CreateServiceLinkedRole API. You can also see the related documentation here.>>

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asked 4 months ago585 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


CloudFormation is running behind the scenes to create an ECS cluster.
Try deleting the "Infra-ECS-Cluster-humangov-cluster-812ee83b" stack from the CloudFormation console.

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answered 4 months ago
  • this worked. Many thanks!


Hi HP, as ECS use CloudFormation behind the scene, what probably happen is that:

  • during your previous attempt, a Cloud Formation Stack was created with the name of your cluster even if the cluster is not created, the stack remain in the list of CloudFormation
  • when you tried a second time, using the same name for the ECS cluster, the system tried to re-create the CloudFormation stack again, however a stack with the same name already exists.

To solve this, you just need to enter the Cloud Formation page and delete the failed stack and then re-create the cluster

answered 4 months ago
  • Got it. Thanks

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