RDS console does not show all databases



This is a qualitative question. When I log on to RDS on my aws management console the console does not show all of my databases.

The URL automatically defaults to the us-west-2 region, and on the console it says DB Instances (0/40). I was confused though, because I had created a db only a day ago, and I was able to still connect to it through CLI, though somehow db instances was still 0/40.

I noticed I had to go into the URL and change the region from us-west-2 to us-east-1, and then magically DB Instances (1/40) with my database was right there.

Is it possible to see databases across all regions in the RDS console without having to change the URL?

3 Answers
Accepted Answer

The RDS console is separated by region, so it is not possible to see the databases for all regions.
If you want to see the databases for all regions, you can create a shell script using AWS CLI or other methods.
However, it is a shell script and cannot be displayed in the RDS console.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
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reviewed a year ago

Yes, you can't see all RDS instances from multiple regions via the console yet.

Ibrahim Mohamed (albarki) did create a nifty script that will provide the list for you.
You can find it at his GitHub repository - https://gist.github.com/albarki/3588354ef11a137e199e29381fb07de1

Hope this helps.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

Can you see dB's via DBeaver?

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answered a year ago

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