rdsadmin Queries in Performance Insights - PostgreSQL


We are seeing 100% CPU usage coming from the "rdsadmin" user in Performance Insights for PostgreSQL across various engine versions.

rdsadmin query

This seems to have come up many times in the past but I have not seen a response from AWS in years

  1. https://repost.aws/questions/QUYF5u0w0pR9qWF6U0Uoovzg/postgresql-14-3-performance-insight-rds-admin-never-stopping-query-bug
  2. https://repost.aws/questions/QUhzcRl7G0S_WGVwjkIeZ8Sw/postgresql-12-2-rdsadmin-uses-one-complete-cpu-for-a-query-continuously
  3. https://repost.aws/questions/QUKRiZ5SyHTsmXaa9r5Lnsuw/performance-insights-for-postgres-12-2-is-consuming-100-cpu

Can someone from aws please confirm if this is a known issue?

1 Answer


This is a know issue in the Performance Insights and it should not cause any performance impact on your instance. We understand that this is a sub-optimal experience, and apologize for any inconvenience it causes. The RDS Performance Insights team is working on a quick, secure workaround to address the issue.

I hope this helps!

answered a year ago

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