re:Post ANNOUNCEMENT: Enhanced Notifications


Hello all,

Thank you for providing feedback about e-mail notifications. We heard you and have implemented an enhancement that allows you to choose the frequency of emails from re:Post. For each type of notification, you can select to receive emails immediately, daily, or weekly; and choose the day and time of day you want to receive your re:Post email digests. The default selection is set to Daily Digests. If you want different frequency, you can change the settings.

The benefit to you is that you have the flexibility to decide what notifications and how often you want to receive them. It can reduce the number of emails from re:Post.

To make the changes to your notifications do the following:

  1. Login and click link Notification Settings

  2. For each type of notification click the pull down menu and change it to your desired frequency (default is Daily Digest)

  3. If one of your selections is weekly or daily, scroll down to the “Notifications Time” section and enter the time you want to receive and the day of the week. The time of the day is your local time configured in your compute

If you have any questions or issues, please submit your feedback here.

Thank you!

  • This is great news! Nice work, team.

profile picture
asked 3 years ago362 views
1 Answer

[Announcement] Does not require an answer.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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