Is this specific board "ESP32-S2-DevKitC-1" compaitble with IoT Core, FreeRTOS Quick Connect and setup, etc?


this page explains how to easily connect. Does this also work with DevKitC-1 or only DevKitC-4? Does my specific devboard support quick connect and all the benefits listed here?

I don't have much experience, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi. As you have an ESP32-S2, I think you'd be better of with this (similar) guide:

That targets the ESP32-S2-Saola-1 board which has a different MCU than yours. Your specific board is not supported out of the box by the reference implementations in the amazon-freertos repo. Besides the AWS documentation pages, you can see the supported boards here:

And here are the CMake recipes for the supported ESP32 boards:

Your board has the ESP32-S2-SOLO MCU, which is a different MCU than the Saola. More on the ESP32-S2 boards here:

I suspect it's not a lot of work to adjust the Saola build to suit, but I've not done it before (and may be underestimating!). I think, at minimum, you would need to make an esp32s2_devkitc.make that was similar to esp32s2_saola_1.cmake. Then follow the esp32-s2 instructions, adjusting as appropriate.

Does my specific devboard support quick connect and all the benefits listed here?

No, that MCU is quite different. It has a secure element for example.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 4 months ago

Thank you for the thorough and clear answer, it is very helpful! Do you happen to know the difference between the ESP32S2-Saola-1, ESP32-DevKitC, or ESP-WROVER-KIT? Which one of these is the most compatible with AWS? Again thank you so much for the help

answered 2 years ago
  • Do you happen to know the difference between the ESP32S2-Saola-1, ESP32-DevKitC, or ESP-WROVER-KIT?

    It's best to consult the Espressif documentation for that.

    Which one of these is the most compatible with AWS?

    They are all compatible with AWS. Most of the AWS libraries (in FreeRTOS LTS and the Embedded C SDK) are pure ANSI C, and hence portable to almost any MCU on the market (with sufficient Flash and RAM). Additionally, you can don't even have to use FreeRTOS or the AWS libraries/SDKs to connect to AWS IoT Core; almost any MQTT client will do.

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