Amazon Bedrock: Issues with hitting the 20 node limit


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Is there a way to optimize this prompt flow? I'm running into the 20 node limit and I barely got started. A bunch of things are not intuitive to me, and I can't seem to fix it to help rationalize this flow to stay under the limit.

For example,

  1. all of the individual conditions in the condition node can theoretically go to the same Agent or KB. However, it won't let me do that. It forces the each condition to have 1:1 mapping with the Agent or KB. Can multiple conditions go to one Agent or KB?

  2. Does each individual prompt need to have their own flow output? Can they just go to one output node? This is again eating into my 20 node limit.


asked 2 months ago76 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


To overcome the 2 limitations that you see, I would suggest you to consider adding AWS Step Functions to your use case: see

  1. You can use Step Functions to chain multiple flows into one. (With the additional flexibility brought by the flow control mechanism brought by the Step Functions).You can generate the mapping of the flows to the right agent, KB, etc. by using Amazon States Language to describe them programmatically. See
  2. You can overcome the limit of 20 by creating multiple flows under the limit of 20 and combine them via Step Functions organizing their sequencing.



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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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