TEXTRACT: Jointly Extract Layout and Tables


I am very new to Textract, so apologies if this is a basic question. I have a document that mixes tables and text throughout, and I want to extract both at once. However, I find that in the "layout" output, the table numbers that are listed do not correspond at all to the table numbering system used in the table output: for instance, "Table 51" in the layout output is actually "table-59" in the list of tables. The number "59" instead seems to point to the fact that these are all on page 59, but then I run into an issue where there are multiple separate tables per page and Textract seems only to extract the first. Is there a way to extract tables in exactly the way that the Layout output is showing?

asked 6 months ago300 views
1 Answer

Textgract has TABLES | FORMS | QUERIES | SIGNATURES | LAYOUT features. If you want to extract tables, and texts you can use TABLES feature

answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

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