[Account Issue] Error: "This account is currently blocked" when creating an EC2 instance


Dear AWS Support Team,

I am writing to report an issue with my AWS account. Recently, I attempted to create an EC2 instance, but I encountered the following error message:

This account is currently blocked and not recognized as a valid account. Please contact https://support.console.aws.amazon.com/support/home?region=us-east-1#/case/create?issueType=customer-service&serviceCode=account-management&categoryCode=account-verification if you have questions. It seems there is an issue with the status of my account. I would appreciate it if you could help identify the cause and provide a resolution.

Account Information Account ID: 259051246766 Account Name: lovelyAlien

asked 2 months ago51 views
2 Answers

The error message you’re encountering indicates that your AWS account is blocked and not recognized as valid. This typically happens due to one of the following reasons:

Possible Causes Incomplete Account Setup:

Your AWS account creation might not have been fully completed, particularly the account verification process (credit card verification, identity check, etc.). Billing Issues:

A failed payment or overdue charges might have caused the account to be suspended. Account Policy Violations:

AWS may block accounts that violate their terms of service, such as unauthorized activities or security concerns. Inactive or Deactivated Account:

If the account hasn't been used for an extended period, AWS might flag it for inactivity. Steps to Resolve Contact AWS Support:

Visit the AWS Support Center using this link. Open a Customer Service Case under the category of Account Verification. Provide: Your Account ID or email address is associated with the account. A description of the issue (mention the error message you received). Any relevant screenshots of the error message. Check Email for AWS Notifications:

Look for any emails from AWS regarding account suspension, payment issues, or required actions. Verify Billing Details: Ensure that your payment method (credit card or other) is valid and updated: Log in to the AWS Billing Dashboard. Update or verify your payment information under Payment Methods. Complete Pending Actions:

If there are any pending verification steps, complete them. AWS might require additional identity verification, such as submitting documents.

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answered 2 months ago

I understand you're experiencing an issue with your AWS account being blocked when attempting to create an EC2 instance. This is a serious issue that requires direct intervention from AWS Support. Here are the steps you should take:

  1. First, check your email for any communications from AWS regarding your account status. There may be specific information about why your account was blocked.

  2. Since you're unable to create resources, you need to contact AWS Support directly. The error message you received provides the correct link to do so.

  3. You'll need to open a case under "Account and billing support". This type of support is available free of charge, even for blocked accounts.

  4. When creating the support case, provide as much detail as possible, including:

    • Your account ID and name (which you've already provided)
    • The exact error message you received
    • Any recent activities that might have triggered this block (e.g., unusual resource usage, recent account creation, etc.)
  5. While waiting for a response, refrain from attempting to create new resources or making changes to your account.

  6. Be prepared to verify your identity. AWS may request additional documentation to confirm you're the rightful account owner.

  7. Once AWS Support reviews your case, they will provide you with specific next steps to resolve the issue and unblock your account.

Remember, only AWS Support can definitively determine why your account is blocked and take the necessary steps to resolve it. They have the tools and authority to investigate and rectify account-level issues like this.
This account is currently blocked and not recognized as a valid account. | AWS re:Post

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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