Cloud Intelligence dashboard - Trust Advisor Organizational Dashboard not working per instructions given in the


I've been following the steps given in the cloud intelligence dashboard & cost optimization data collection lab to deploy dashboards. I've enabled the Trust advisor at the payer account [master/linked account]. After the deployment, Trust Advisor Organizational view is not working or shows no data, I've checked the tao Glue crawlers, and it did not update/create any tables on Athena after its running. Also no datasets was created on the Quicksight too. CloudWatch logs also dont have much information CloudWatch logs for crawler I see the same issue for Compute Optimizer too.

Please let me know, what I am missing to make it work as it given in the well architected labs.

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi, Sorry to hear that you've faced this error. Could you please check the following:

  1. Confirm that you have both dashboards in QuickSight and the issue is that they show no data? If so is does it show 'No Data' or some error?
  2. Confirm that you have data in S3 bucket costoptimizationdata<accountId> in particular folders compute_optimizer and optics-data-collector/ta-data or trusted-advisor (if you deployed recently). Please let us know which folders you have.

It looks like something is wrong with the paths to S3 data which were provided during the deployment of cloud intelligence dashboards You can re-deploy the dashboards by running following commands in CloudShell in the same account and region where dashboards deployed:

python3 -m ensurepip --upgrade

pip3 install --upgrade cid-cmd

cid-cmd update --recursive --force

It will ask you to choose the dashboard and then other details including S3 path, please make sure the path you've specified matches to what you have in costoptimizationdata<accountId> bucket

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Perfect !! Yuiry Thanks for your help. CLI made the dashboards working. Do I need to ran the above cli commands weekly/monthly to update the quicksight view? or will it update automatic? please let me know


Do I need to ran the above cli commands weekly/monthly to update the quicksight view? or will it update automatic?

No, the dashboards will update with your data automatically. The only time you need to run the update command is if we release a new dashboard version. You can subscribe to our changelog on GitHub to get notified;

answered 2 years ago

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