RDS SQL Instance Time Zone for UK Daylight Savings


I need to create an RDS SQL Instance with a time zone that is tolerant of UK daylight savings changes. From the RDS documentation, I can see there is a time zone called "GMT Standard Time" that is tolerant of UK daylight savings changes. If I select this time zone does the RDS SQL instance time automatically change in line with UK daylight savings?

2 Answers
Accepted Answer


According to https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/rds-change-time-zone

It’s a best practice to use the UTC time zone at the database layer. Because UTC doesn't observe daylight savings (DST), you don’t have to adjust the time later when it shifts.

Hope it helps and if it does I would appreciate the answer to be accepted so that community can benefit for clarity, thanks ;)

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 3 months ago

Hi all,

We've moved our on-premise application to AWS and all default date time stamps for table columns and stored procedures are based on GETDATE() we NEED the DB instance to observe daylight savings as it is now causing us a massive headache.

All our clients are UK based, it is completely impractical and nigh-on impossible for us to modify our entire db or client codebase to handle DST in-code especially as it was previously just handled by the underlying OS that we installed the MSSQL instance to when our solution was deployed on-premise.

Is there a workaround to make the RDS instance observe DST? It doesn't look like it according to the timezone settings documentaion, non of the "local" timezones observe DST, which kind of negates the point of having local timezones IMHO....

Many thanks, Dean

answered 2 months ago

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