Simple line graph


I want to draw a simple temperature change line graph. (time on x-axis, temperature value on y-axis) For that I have temperature data by each minute. However, I don't know how can I draw line 2 dimension graph on Quicksight. But line graph on Quicksight requires aggregation data like sum, avg on 1 axis which is not my use case. How can I draw simple line grpah?

asked a year ago319 views
1 Answer

Use the following steps to create a line chart with Amazon QuickSight.

  1. On the analysis page, choose Visualize on the tool bar.
  2. Choose Add on the application bar, and then choose Add visual.
  3. On the Visual types pane, choose one of the line chart icons.
  4. From the Fields list pane, drag the fields that you want to use to the appropriate field wells. Typically, you want to use dimension or measure fields as indicated by the target field well. If you choose to use a dimension field as a measure, the Count aggregate function is automatically applied to it to create a numeric value.
  • To create a single-measure line chart, drag a dimension to the X axis field well and one measure to the Value field well.

*To create a multi-measure line chart, drag a dimension to the X axis field well and two or more measures to the Value field well. Leave the Color field well empty.

*To create a multi-dimension line chart, drag a dimension to the X axis field well, one measure to the Value field well, and one dimension to the Color field well.

  1. (Optional) Add drill-down layers by dragging one or more additional fields to the X axis or Color field wells. For more information about adding drill-downs, see Adding drill-downs to visual data in Amazon QuickSight.

Please follow for more details.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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