NICE DCV --init to auto start application is starting then in half screen and black background


so i just started out with nice dcv, and creating a session works fine. but if i do this dcv create-session --init elliot this is how my looks like:

# Navigate to the application directory
cd ~/Downloads/

# Start the application in the background
./Default\ Linux\ desktop\ 64-bit.x86_64 

Enter image description here

Above is the screenshot, when this opens, i have like an "X" on my cursor, that makes me unable to interract with the screen / application also.

but if i just do a dcv create-session elliot which creates a normal session and i go to the desktop to run this application myself, this opens up in a full screen and i can interract with the window.

I do not know if i am missing something required in the

asked 22 days ago114 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

I think you need to start a Window manager before starting your app.

The example in Troubleshooting Virtual Session Creation on Linux starts a metacity window manager before running xterm executable.

metacity &

Replace metacity above with a window manager that is installed in your Linux OS.

answered 22 days ago

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