Deleting AWS RDS Aurora Instance from Cluster


If I have a Region Aurora MySQL cluster with 4 instances

  • writer old instance type
  • reader old instance type
  • reader new instance type
  • reader new instance type

Is it safe to delete the reader old instance type by selecting it and Actions -> Delete?

It won't have any impact on the writer or other instances?

asked 2 months ago184 views
2 Answers

Hi, Deleting one of the instances only reduces the computation capacity of the cluster. Deleting the reader instances first ensures that the cluster remains available throughout the procedure and doesn't perform unnecessary failover operations.

The below link provides more details on how the deletion of an instance in the cluster can be done.

answered 2 months ago
  • thank you - I've already added two additional reader instances of a more modern instance type and just need to delete the older instance types.

    So it's as simple as selecting the instance and pressing delete?


Yes as per the documentation in the link I shared, you can delete one or more reader instances from a cluster while leaving the cluster running. You can delete a DB instance using the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI, or the RDS API. Note: When an Aurora Replica is deleted, its instance endpoint is removed immediately, and the Aurora Replica is removed from the reader endpoint. If there are statements running on the Aurora Replica that is being deleted, there is a three-minute grace period. Existing statements can finish during the grace period. When the grace period ends, the Aurora Replica is shut down and deleted

answered 2 months ago

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