Install RabbitMQ Plugin on AmazonMQ - rabbitmq_message_deduplication


Hi, I would like to install the "rabbitmq_message_deduplication" plugin on my Amazon MQ. How could I do that? If it’s not supported, is there any plan to support it? By that time, how are we going to handle message duplication between publisher and subscriber in AmazonMQ?

This is very important to the functionality of my API. If not possible, can you please recommend some alternatives to the hosted AmazonMQ RabbitMQ instance that will allow me to install this plugin?

asked 2 months ago161 views
2 Answers


The list of officially supported plugins is here:

Sorry but rabbitmq_message_deduplication is currently not on this list: you have to make a request to your AWS support team if you want to see it included in this list.



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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

Hi Raghuram Desai,

Please go through the below Approaches I hopes it will help to solve your issue.

1. Custom RabbitMQ Deployment

Deploy your own RabbitMQ instance on an Amazon EC2 instance or a containerized environment like Amazon ECS or EKS. This allows you to have full control over the RabbitMQ configuration, including the ability to install custom plugins like rabbitmq_message_deduplication.

Steps for EC2 Deployment:

  • Launch an EC2 instance: Choose an appropriate instance type based on your load.
  • Install RabbitMQ: Follow the official RabbitMQ installation guide for your chosen OS.
  • Install the Plugin: Download and enable the rabbitmq_message_deduplication plugin using the RabbitMQ CLI.
  • Configure Security: Ensure your EC2 instance has the necessary security groups, firewall rules, and IAM roles.

2. Dockerized RabbitMQ Use Docker to deploy RabbitMQ with the required plugin. This can be managed in ECS, EKS, or any other container orchestration service.

Docker Setup:

  • Create a Dockerfile:
FROM rabbitmq:3.8-management
RUN rabbitmq-plugins enable --offline rabbitmq_message_deduplication

  • Build and Run:
docker build -t my-rabbitmq .
docker run -d --name my-rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 my-rabbitmq

3. Alternative Messaging Services

managing your RabbitMQ instance is not feasible, consider using alternative messaging services that support message deduplication:

Amazon SQS: Provides built-in deduplication for FIFO queues.

Apache Kafka: Offers exactly-once semantics with proper configuration.

Google Pub/Sub: Supports deduplication natively.

4. Application-Level Deduplication Implement deduplication logic at the application level if migrating or managing your own RabbitMQ instance is not an option. This could involve:

Message IDs: Include unique message IDs and store processed IDs to detect duplicates.

Database: Use a fast key-value store like Redis to track processed messages.

answered 2 months ago

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