iPhone application not installing on iOS >=14.8


I am trying to install an application build on iOS 11 (XCode 13) on a remote session device. On an iPhone 11 (iOS 14.0) the app installs (but does not start properly, but that's most likely a separate issue). However, on iPhone 12 (iOS 14.8) the installation fails and I can see the following error in syslogs:

Jan 14 05:42:42 installd(MobileSystemServices)[253] <Notice>: 0x16b8cf000 +[MICodeSigningVerifier _validateSignatureAndCopyInfoForURL:withOptions:error:]: 77: Failed to verify code signature of /var/installd/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installd.staging/temp.dJ1hU0/extracted/Payload/<redacted>.app : 0xe8008029 (The code signature version is no longer supported.)

The error may hint towards the signature having an old format (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/using-the-latest-code-signature-format) although the versions do not add up. Since Device Farm resigns the application with its own provisioning profile it would be helpful to know which version of macOS the resigning is running on (or if it's using the --generate-entitlement-der flag).

Might be similar to https://repost.aws/questions/QUNcilMRiSQqKdWhXRUjkzyQ/application-verification-failed-with-code-0-xe-8008029-failed-to-verify-code-signature

  • Confirming I'm seeing the same output on the setup syslog on iOS14.8, 15.0.2 devices for automated runs. For iOS14, and 13.3.1, the app installs, and as soon as it gets launched by the webdriver, it crashes. Our app is a native swift app with min version of iOS11, built on Xcode 13.2.1.

asked 2 years ago127 views
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