amplify flutter storage override timeout


It is possible to override value connection time on upload S3 operation.. I have trouble with slow connections.

need a parameter like ---> "httpOptions: { timeout: 120000 }"

Kind Regards

asked a year ago322 views
1 Answer

The Amplify libraries are designed to provide high-level, use-case centric APIs which abstract the low level details from the developer. These high-level libraries don't usually expose the low-level AWS SDK options, such as HTTP timeouts, directly.

If you want more control over these low-level options, you might consider using the AWS SDK directly for your Storage operations, rather than using the Amplify libraries. AWS SDKs provide a more granular level of control over service interactions.

You can also consider submitting a feature request to the Amplify Flutter GitHub repository, to request more granular control over the HTTP options in Amplify. The team is very responsive to community feedback and may consider adding this feature in future releases.

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answered a year ago

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