operating systen error 50 for backups to S3 bucket


Hi Team, I am planning to configure the SQL server 2022 database backups to the S3 bucket but while taking getting an error for "Operating system error 50". I have followed the below approach to configure the backups, please check and let me know if I miss anything for the backups

  1. S3 bucket
  2. IAM user with S3 bucket full permissions
  3. Created the Credential in SQL server
  4. backup the databases to S3
asked 2 years ago379 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Kindly refer the below mentioned blog and check whether you have followed all the steps to backup SQL server databases to Amazon S3.

[+] https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/modernizing-with-aws/backup-sql-server-to-amazon-s3/

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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