Cant add a dynamoDB trigger in Lambda Function


I am building a Lambda function but I cant add a trigger. After I select dynamoDB in the trigger section, it keep loading or show nothing for me to select the DynamoDB. Can AWS solve this ASAP?

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asked a year ago471 views
2 Answers

If your view is similar to below, then ensure that you enable a DynamoDB stream on at least one table.

Enter image description here

If you don't get that far, ensure the role you are creating the trigger with has the necessary DynamoDB roles, such as ListTables/DescribeTable/ListStreams/DescribeStream

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • I have updated the question by including the image. Hopefully u can help me to solve it. Thank you~

  • Your role needs the permissions I mentioned.


Does your Lambda have the proper policy in place? Your lambda needs to have access to the following operations on the dynamodb db stream arn

answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago
  • I have updated the question by including the image. Hopefully u can help me to solve it. Thank you~

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