I am AWS new learner and i am learning one service to create environment in Amazon MWAA ? Getting error !!


Amazon MWAA --> Environments --> Create environment --> error is : Enter image description here

its always coming in red color . I have refreshed , No Vpn, North Virgenia --> region. But still this issue is getting appeared. Also I tried with random numbers as well as suggested that between 0 and 1 and max as 1 or anything.

1 Answer


I can enter numbers correctly using my AWS account.
Also, "Maximum worker count" can be set up to 25 in my AWS account.

I'm guessing that the quotas are probably set low for your AWS account.

By default, the Workers quota should be 25, but new AWS accounts may have it set lower than the default number.

Therefore, please apply for a quota increase from the URL below.
When applying for an increase, please change to the region where you want to create the MWAA.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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