Wordpress site unable to connect to AWS to update plugins


Forgive me as I'm a bit of a newbie with AWS and its backend. I'm unable to find or setup the needed FTP settings. Since migrating my wordpress site over to AWS, its now requiring connection to AWS to update plugins. (see attachment) can someone assist me with resolving this issue? My site no longer functions as designed because of these outdated plugins.

Thanks! Enter image description here

2 Answers

From the screenshot, it seems that WordPress is trying to FTP into which I assume is your EC2 instance IP address.

  • Do you have a FTP server running on your EC2?
  • Does your EC2 security group allow inbound FTP at TCP port 21?

There are other ways to update WordPress. You can login to update, or you download the latest wordpress files. You can refer to WordPress Documentation - Updating WordPress for more information.

answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago


I was looking for the error message in the image.
Try the troubleshooting methods from the blogs and Stackwordpress answers below.
As mentioned in the blog, I suspect that the web server user running Wordpress does not have permission to update the Wordpress directory, causing the error.

By the way, since your problem is a Wordpress issue, I recommend posting your question to the Wordpress support forum below instead of AWS re:Post.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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