Java Spring Framework + Cognito; Cognito works locally fails with deploymen


I have a Spring framework based application; When I run the app locally with callback/redirect url as localhost:8080 , the flow of signing in and being redirected back to the home page works. However when I deploy using CodeStar after attempting to sign in and updating the callbackurl/redirect url to the correct hostname the browser get a timeout error , and DevTools in chrome reports failed.
edit: the same happens when i test in the Cognito UI using the hosted UI link.

if it helps, I can also provide any other data that would be of assistance.

Forgive me if I have committed a forum crime , I tried searching for this in the forum and could not find anything.

Edited by: AdamFurrer on Dec 10, 2020 9:59 AM

asked 3 years ago223 views
1 Answer

Misconfiguration AWS Support helped with

answered 3 years ago

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