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Workspaces IP Access Control Groups


I've added and IP address to the Workspaces IP Access Control Groups. Saved and nothing happens. I'm still able to login to my workspaces via the workspaces client from any IP. Am I missing a step?

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Depends on what IP address you have configured.

You will need to add the IP address from where users access WorkSpaces.

So if your users are accessing from Office, this is typically the IP address of the Office NAT Gateway. A public IP address. If the users are working from home via VPN, then the IP address provided by the VPN gateway needs to be configured.

A very rudimentary way to test this is...ask your test user to go to and note the IP address down. This will be the IP address that he is accessing WorkSpaces from. Try to configure this IP address as a part of WorkSpaces IP access control group to test.

Dont forget to enable this group under directory as shown here. Enter image description here

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

Actually! I found out what I did wrong. I didn't associte the ip control group with the directory (DOH!) Thank you!!

answered 2 years ago

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