Setting current time as attribute in a Contact


We have an application that we are looking to use Connect for that requires us to update a premise database with events throughout a customer telephone call. I was looking to just set an attribute and then use a lambda to write to the database, but I cannot find a way to pull the current time, or call start time, or really any time related to the Contact and save it as a call attribute. Has anyone else tried to do this?

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asked 3 years ago291 views
3 Answers

You're using the wrong tool for the job. You want to use a data stream specifically the contact trace records to get that kind of information and figure out what to do with it.


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answered 3 years ago

Thanks David. I suspected as much but it is good to get confirmation.

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answered 3 years ago

If you look at EventBridge for Connect this will trigger certain events from the interaction and can trigger a lambda function to perform an action to update the database.

It has been recently released

answered 3 years ago

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