Do I need MX record for only sending emails?



I am wondering if I really need the MX record pointed to use custom MAIL FROM/RETURN PATH?

Can't I just CNAME it instead? Postmark does it that way. You just point a CNAME instead of MX. I can't really have multiple MX servers handling mail as that breaks stuff.

Best, Matic

asked 2 years ago1456 views
3 Answers


The process of setting up a custom MAIL FROM domain requires you to add records to the DNS configuration for the domain. You have to publish an MX record so that your domain can receive the bounce and complaint notifications that email providers send you.

You also have to publish an SPF (type TXT) record in order to prove that Amazon SES is authorized to send email from your domain.

Also, keep in mind that, To successfully set up a custom MAIL FROM domain with Amazon SES, you must publish exactly one MX record to the DNS server of your MAIL FROM domain. If the MAIL FROM domain has multiple MX records, the custom MAIL FROM setup with Amazon SES will fail.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • Is that exactly one MX record per DNS server, or exactly one MX record per subdomain? E.g. can you have one MX record on and another one on



The purpose of an MX record is to route emails to a mail server using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). It's what tells resolving name servers where your domain “mailbox” is, and without it, you wouldn't get your emails.

In order for an MX record to function correctly, it must point to an A or AAAA record. It is a configuration that specifies which mail servers can accept email that's sent to your domain.

A CNAME record is used for referencing a domain's alias instead of its actual name. CNAME records typically point to an A record (in IPv4) or AAAA record (in IPv6) for that domain. However, as mentioned MX records have to point directly to a server's A record or AAAA record.

Hope that helps !!

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • Hi,

    Thank you for the answer. I understand that. MX is responsible for help at receiving emails and routing them to the correct mailbox.

    But if I use SES for sending only with custom MAIL FROM, why do I need to point MX record as well? Is it strictly required or can I skip it/do it another way?

    Best, Matic


Same problem,

Basicly, if i use another hosting for receiving email i wont receive some of my email if i set another MX record or they both receive it?. When first setting up SES this was not needed. I first setup SES no mx, then moved in to AWS Workmail and added MX for that now moved out from Workmail and received an email telling i have 3 days to put an mx record.

answered a year ago

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