Registers Data Not Updated In Subsequent Requests In ModBus RTU Component


This issue is in regards to the v2 aws.greengrass.Modbus component. The setup: Core device deployed on Raspberry Pi 4B Linux with Waveshare's RS485 CAN Hat connected to a temperature/humidity sensor (XY-MD02). Local simple Python scripts test fine. AWS IoT MQTT test client initially tests fine on first request but subsequent (and different) requests show the "registers" array in the result does not change although the function_code and operation parameters are all correctly updated. Basically, it appears almost as if the registers data remains somewhere in memory and is returned instead of the real results. It takes calling the request 3-4 times before the correct data in the registers in returned. What is causing this problem?

asked 2 years ago235 views
1 Answer

Hi, Could you provide more logs, configurations and info for this issue? From current symptom, we are not able to detect any root causes.

answered 2 years ago

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