How to get IDs of ALL new rows instead of just one from RDS.executeStatement?


When inserting rows into an Aurora RDS database, RDS will only return this:

{ generatedFields: [ { longValue: 26 } ], numberOfRecordsUpdated: 3 }

Which is obviously wrong and pretty useless. RDS knows it just inserted 3 rows, but only returns 1 new ID (not even the last one, but the first). Is there any way to fix this and get the full, correct information?

(Calling RDS from Lambda Node btw)

asked 3 years ago525 views
2 Answers

Hello Kevin!

Q1: I'm afraid I am not quite sure what your question is. The returned object looks exactly like posted. The only ID returned is the 26 there. Q2: If there were 3 records updated, I would expect RDS to return 3 IDs, of course. Not only 1. Like this:

{ generatedFields: [{ longValue: 26 }, { longValue: 27 }, { longValue: 28 }] , numberOfRecordsUpdated: 3 }
answered 3 years ago
  • Hi,

    Thank you for getting back to me here with desired view. Let me check with the team and get back to you with feedbacks.



From the description, if I am understanding correct are you referring to that:

From lambda, when you insert 3 rows to the Aurora RDS database (Aurora MySQL/PostgreSQL/MySQL Serverless/PostgreSQL Serverless, may you confirm which one?) then you are getting below as return from insert call:

{ generatedFields: { longValue: 26 } , numberOfRecordsUpdated: 3 }

Q1: May you elaborate how the return of ID looks like?

From the public doc:

The returned field as listed.

Q2: May you elaborate more on how you want the return looks like?

answered 3 years ago

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