Why does the EC2 Auto Scaling Group automatically generate Scheduled Actions?


For some reason the EC2 Auto Scaling Group automatically generates Scheduled Actions and so limiting the maximum EC2 instances launched. Everytime I have to delete the scheduled actions to prevent limiting the maximum EC2 instances launched.

  • Hi, could you please explain how you created or provisioned the Auto Scaling Group?

  • Hey Ben, I thought by simply creating a new auto scaling group from an existing launch template.

  • When you say "everytime I have to delete the scheduled actions" - what everytime actually means? Do oyu have to delete it for each new ASG or you have to do it from time to time for the same ASG?

  • Could you share the configuration of your launch template?

  • Scheduled actions are something deliberately created (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/autoscaling/ec2/userguide/schedule_time.html). It sounds as if you have created a recurring scheduled action and are wondering why it is recurring. Back to ben-from-aws's comment, can you give us more information on how you created the ASG?

asked 3 years ago483 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Stupid me, I had an Auto Scaling Plan active, that generates the Scheduled Actions.

@Amazon: Maybe there can be a new feature that shows active Auto Scaling Plans for a specific Auto Scaling Group.

Thanks all for your support.

answered 3 years ago

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