Read IBM DB2 tables from Sagemaker


Can anyone temme how can we read db2 tables from sagemaker , please provide steps to read db2 tables . Or please confirm below

  1. Should we move database to Amazon RDS
  2. Should we use SCT and DMS to move data and schema . Kindly please confirm , would be of great help
1 Answer

Hi, For on-premises or self-managed Db2 databases, you can use AWS Glue to first extract, transform and load (ETL) the data into an S3 bucket and then consume it from SageMaker.

I will recommend to migrate to Amazon RDS DB2. You have a few option to migrate your tables from on-prem to Amazon RDS DB2: 1.- You can use native Db2 tools like db2look to extract the database schema and metadata. This will create DDL scripts that can then be run on the RDS DB2 database to recreate the schema. For data migration, you can use the Db2 EXPORT utility to export the table data into files. These files can then be imported into the RDS DB2 database using the IMPORT command. Here are the tools references:

2.- The AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT) and AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) also support migrations from Db2 databases. SCT allows you to migrate the schema and DMS can perform full database migrations including the data.

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answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

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