Deleting only space causes onboarding page to fail


So, I broke it already. (Dons cone of shame.)

For (poor) reasons, I deleted my first and only space. I was immediately logged out. Now, when I try to log in, the onboarding page appears, prefilled with my previous information, autosubmits, and immediately goes into an infinite reload loop, apparently due to form validation failure. I did ensure the space was deleted on the console side as well. Is this something I can fix?

PS: Is this the right place for "support" while the product is in preview?

asked 2 years ago252 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

We have analyzed the issue and have implemented a fix for this. Could you please try creating a space again when you get a chance?

answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks for the quick response! I was correctly directed to the "create space" page and was able to do so. It does look like the system still thinks my old space name is in use.


This forum is the right place for getting quick answers related to Amazon CodeCatalyst. Were you able to create another space or currently you are not able to get to the space creation at all?

answered 2 years ago

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