Benefits of AWS Patch Policy over existing solution


We recently deployed a custom patching solution using AWS Patch Manager in the multi-account environment. This devops based solution is on lines of below solutions from AWS. This is a new landing zone environment and the patch management solution is still evolving

Given AWS has recently launched a quick setup based approach of deploying Patch Policies (see the link below), I am wondering if this solution has any merit over what we have in place. Given our existing solution still not 100% ready, I was wondering if there is any benefit of using Patch Policies for managing multi-account patching.

Can anyone provide some guidance here?

asked a year ago412 views
1 Answer

The primary benefit of Patch Polices is consolidation of custom Patch Baselines in a central Management Account. You can refer to the following workshop to learn how to deploy Patch Policies via CloudFormation StackSet templates from a DevOps pipeline rather than from Quick Setup:

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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